Launch event for Telling the Whole Story

Telling the Whole Story project
Telling the Whole Story project Irene Watson, Tamara Pomery and Kirrakee Watson Telling the Whole Story Project began more than two years ago as a partnership between South-East First Nations members Irene Watson, Tamara Pomery, and Kirrakee Watson and the National Trust of SA including members Paul Ledbetter and Alison Stillwell. It began as a response…
Launch Speech
PARWU – MARIA CREEK Martu karu, Nhari ngayn Irene, Ngathu Meintangk, Bunganditj, Potaruwutj, ba Tanganekald, wulnuw-itj-ngar Tangalun ba Wurtai ba Welpulprap Greetings, my name is Irene Watson, I belong to the Meintangk, Bunganditj, Potaruwutj, and Tanganekald First Nations Peoples, of the south east country We began our gathering with a call to Mraad and Ngamath…
Speech on Language and Plant Knowledge Recovery by Tamara Pomery, 2024
Martu Karu everyone, It is with deep respect and gratitude that I stand here at Tangalun, on Meintangk country and the gratitude is owed to my ancestors, the Meintangk wulnuwitj, the traditional custodians and caretakers of this place since the yaluwing. Today, I want to talk about the recovery of something that is central to…
Continue Reading Speech on Language and Plant Knowledge Recovery by Tamara Pomery, 2024